child picture


5 y/o 
Pierre lives with his mother.
Father alive Yes
Father job Farmer
Mother job Farmer
School level preschool
At home, he helps with the following tasks:
  • No Household Duties - Too Young
At church, he participates in the following activities:
  • Sunday School/Church
His favorite activities are:
  • Clapping hands to rhythm
  • Jump rope
  • Listening to stories
Project name EAR Gasura
Closest city Kigali
Number of children 263
Local community
Population 42'690
Language Kinyarwanda
Typical job Animal herding
Typical food Beans
School begins in September
Project activities for children
Physical activities
  • Athletics
  • Health kits
  • Health referral
Cognitive activities
  • Art and music
  • Basic life-skill training
  • Career guidance
Socio-emotional activities
  • Caregiver bonding with child
  • Counseling and testing for hiv / aids
  • Cultural and birthday celebrations
Spiritual activities
  • Bible dramas / acting
  • Bible drills
  • Bible stories
In addition, the project offers special activities for the parents such as education courses.