child picture


2 y/o 
El Salvador 
Dylan participates in the homebased program for the youngest children.
Dylan lives with his parents
Father job Farmer
Dylan does not go to school.
At home, he helps with the following tasks:
  • No Household Duties - Too Young
At church, he participates in the following activities:
  • Only attends project
His favorite activities are:
  • Group games
  • Toy cars
Project name Fe y Verdad Student Center
Closest city San Martín
Number of children 318
Local community
Population 6'782
Language Spanish
Typical job Animal herding
Typical food Maize
School begins in January
Project activities for children
Physical activities
  • Age graded health education
  • Athletics
  • Health screening
Cognitive activities
  • Basic life-skill training
  • Career guidance
  • Computer classes
Socio-emotional activities
  • Age graded retreats
  • Community service
  • Drama
Spiritual activities
  • Age graded workshops
  • Bible dramas / acting
  • Bible drills
In addition, the project offers special activities for the parents such as education courses.